It is said that even before the 19th century, Chennai, earlier known as Madras, had become the health capital of India. With a steady inpour of patients across the country, the city brings in around 40 to 50% of tourists who travel for treatments and check-ups from abroad as well. Tamil Nadu has one of the most premium and top-of-the-line advanced healthcare facilities in our country. Cardiology being one of them, Chennai is promising with its world-class healthcare and best doctors on the line, giving people the hope and care they come for.

Top doctors who are experts in treating different disorders of the cardiovascular system give paramount importance to quality treatment and increasing the quality of life lived by the patient.

You can consult a cardiologist in multi-specialty hospitals, healthcare clinics as well as private hospitals that specialize in cardiology. Treatment of heart valve issues, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and heart attack is done in these places.

Cardiologists have a lot more responsibility than we know superficially, from treating heart diseases to cardiovascular systems they have the rigorous task of being efficient, mindful, and highly knowledgeable. They treat heart rhythm disorders, heart defects, infections, coronary artery disease, and other heart-related complications. With grueling hard work and training for more than 10 years in the medical field they become a cardiologist.

Types of Cardiologists

Cardiologists are of different kinds, keeping in mind their areas of expertise. They are :

  1. Pediatric Cardiologist: A cardiologist who treats heart conditions in infants, children, and adolescents is called a Pediatric Cardiologist. From diagnosing and treating congenital heart conditions, valve disorders, heart defects, and arrhythmias in young patients.
  1. Interventional Cardiologist: A cardiologist who specializes in invasive techniques such as angioplasty, cardiac catheterization, and stenting is called Interventional Cardiologist. Specialized tools and catheters are used to perform surgeries that can improve the flow of blood and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  2. Non-Invasive Cardiologist: A cardiologist who treats heart issues without invasive methods or surgeries is called a Non-Invasive Cardiologist. Techniques such as electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, nuclear imaging, and stress level tests, are diagnosed by this cardiologist. Heart failure, diseases in the artery, and arrhythmias are also conditions treated and managed by a non-invasive cardiologist.
  3. Electrophysiologist: A specialist who is an expert in diagnosing irregular heartbeats is known as Electrophysiologist. Electrophysiology studies, diagnostic tools, and implantable devices help an electrophysiologist regulate heartbeat and prevent complications such as stroke or blood clots.
  4. Cardiovascular Surgeon: A doctor who is trained to perform complicated surgical procedures that treat severe heart conditions is known as a cardiovascular surgeon. Heart bypass surgery, fixing of congenital heart defects, and heart valve replacement are performed by a cardiovascular surgeon. 
  5. Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist: A healthcare specialist who helps patients post-surgery and other heart-related procedures is known as a cardiac rehabilitation specialist. They are in charge of developing nutrition plans, and exercise routines, monitoring progress, and counseling to prevent further complications.
  6. Preventive Cardiologist: An expert who focuses on preventive measures that are supposed to be taken to avoid the risk of heart disease is known as a preventive cardiologist. From guiding patients on lifestyle changes and medical support to counseling them on the risk factors of heart disease like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or hereditary is a main part of their job. They also provide a personalized plan to monitor your heart health.

Treatments provided by cardiologists

  1. Prescription Handling: Cardiologists prescribe medication for cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure and cholesterol problems before invasive intervention.
  1. Angioplasty and Stent placement procedure: The cardiologist opens up blocked arteries with the help of stents to improve the blood flow.
  1. Cardiac catheterization: A catheter is used to diagnose and treat heart conditions like coronary artery disease in cardiac catheterization.
  1. Bypass Surgery: This procedure unclogs blocked arteries and lets blood flow by creating new pathways.
  1. Implanting pacemakers and defibrillators: In this procedure devices such as pacemakers are inserted to regulate the heartbeat and to prevent arrhythmias.
  1. Electrophysiology: With the help of electric stimulation and catheters an electrophysiologist treats and assesses arrhythmias.
  2. Heart failure management: Experts provide complete care for patients who have suffered heart failure and are on medications with lifestyle suggestions.
  1. Repair or replacement of heart valves: Minimally invasive procedures are used for repair of defective heart valves.
  1. Lifestyle change counseling: Plans that help you with personalized diet, stress management, and exercise routine are provided in this counseling to maintain good heart health.
  1. Preventive healthcare: A complete check-up along with assessment and analysis of cardiovascular risk is done to help the patient with a preventive plan for further heart-related risks.

Types of Tests by a Cardiologist:

  1. Exercise Stress Test: This measures heart rate during physical exertion to analyze cardiovascular health.
  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG): This helps record the electrical activity of the heart to observe any abnormalities.
  1. Echocardiogram – Ultrasound is used to get an image of the heart formation and test its function.
  1. Holter Monitor: This records the constant ECG data collected over 24 to 28 hours to keep a check on any irregular functionalities.
  1. CT angiography: Detailed 3-dimensional images of heart and blood vessels are produced using computed tomography.
  1. Blood Test: Cardiac enzymes, heart health markers, and cholesterol levels can be gauged with blood tests.
  1. MRI: Images of heart structure and detection of abnormalities are made with an MRI or CT scan.
  1. Tilt Table Test: Evaluation of blood pressure levels and heart rate for patients complaining of lightheadedness and fainting.
  1. Nuclear Stress Test: The blood flow of the heart is assessed by combining a small quantity of radioactive material along with the stress test.

Arockiya Speciality Clinic and Diagnostics is known for its comprehensive clinical excellence and outstanding personalized care at affordable prices. After performing countless successful procedures in cardiology it is one of the best hospitals for heart treatment in Chennai. Our top cardiologists and cardiothoracic specialists have received the best training in the world’s top institutions. Being the best in the country they are fully dedicated to treating heart issues in adults and children.

Our services range from primary cardiac care to sharp diagnoses and a well-maintained dedicated clinic that helps patients with comprehensive care and treatments, all under one roof.

Here’s the best cardiologist in Chennai.

MD, DNB, DM (Cardio), DNB, FSCAI
Cardiologist & General Physician
QUALIFICATION:M.B.B.S, MD (Gen.Med), DNB, DM(Cardio), DNB(Cardio), FSCAI

Arockiya Speciality Clinic and Diagnostics, a unit of Arockiya Healthcare Pvt. Ltd

As a hospital, our mission is to gain our patient’s confidence and help them thrive in the community. We would like to be the positive change of health and happiness. We understand that every patient deserves great doctors, the best treatment, and cutting-edge technology that helps them with a speedy recovery. With our provisions and comprehensive treatment units, we strive hard to surpass the expectations of our patients.

Arockiya Speciality Clinic and Diagnostics has the reputation of being as updated and upgraded with the latest technologies and makes sure to rapidly deliver quality service so that the patients can benefit from its treatment which has a very high clinical success rate.

It is crucial to have an active lifestyle and important to pay attention to the overall well-being of our body. Nevertheless, Arockiya Speciality Clinic and Diagnostics is there to help you treat and manage your heart health efficiently

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